Monday, March 31, 2008

Post Run Note

Hey the craziest thing happened while I was out running today. I was following my normal route down 10Th street towards 75south and I passed what looked like a small dead animal and since I see a lot of those at first I didn't think anything of it. But as I got just past it, it moved and that of course made me stop. Well it ended up being a baby raccoon maybe two days old laying in the dang street where it could get hit by a car and no mama in site. So I flagged down car and asked them to call animal control. A police officer showed up and we moved it to the curb where no one would hit it. the game warden was supposed to be on the way. I continued on my run and when I came back by it was still there. i ran on home took a shower and went back to check on it. I put it in a crate and called the game warden myself. Looks like we will have a small visitor for the night and they will come by and get it in the morning. I know some of you may be thinking I'm crazy but i couldn't just let the little thing die. Like i have said before we runners are the luckiest people because we see thing everyone else misses.


Tiggs said...

omg that is so cute! good on you for taking it home!

Katy Lampson said...

Aww. How sweet! I need the rest of the story. What happened the next day?